Lucy wowed the camera with her big smile and her twirling dress skills. She was so at ease for the camera it made my job easy. The best of luck to …

Photography that is natural, timeless, and simply you.
BookLive and Love Studios is a natural light on-location photography studio serving the Twin Cities area in Minnesota. We specialize in lifestyle sessions with newborns, babies, children, families, and high school seniors. Our focus is on you and your family, not props or backgrounds. We strive to capture the true emotion and real personalities of you and your family members. Those are the timeless, unique, and one-of-a-kind memories that will last a lifetime.
Investment in the milestone events in your family's life is extremely valuable, and we understand that value with each and every session or wedding we photograph!
Lucy wowed the camera with her big smile and her twirling dress skills. She was so at ease for the camera it made my job easy. The best of luck to …
I had such a blast taking Lucas' high school senior photos! He came ready to work for the camera and completely dazzled for the camera. Lucas was full …
Kana is my first high school senior girl for this year! She kept things simple with her dress and white tennis shoes and stunned for the camera. Such …
Luke had both his full smile with teeth and the serious look down for his photos! He could transition between the two arguably better than any high …
Sweet Sam took some time to get warmed up, but he was all smiles by the end of his high school senior session. Even his beautiful dog snuck in a few …
So stoic, but also so photogenic. Great full smile with little smirks in-between. It was such a pleasure to capture Mattlock's personality for his …
Daniel was such a sweet high school senior to photograph! Kept thing short and sweet and captured some great photos. …