On Saturday, May 12th, Nicole and Chris tied the knot at the University Club in St. Paul. They had a smaller, more intimate ceremony with 60 of their family and friends. They were both so easy-going and relaxed throughout the whole day. At least, that’s how it appeared. Since I’m not one to want to take alot of formal pictures, Nicole and Chris fit in perfectly with my style. They didn’t like to do too many posed pictures, so alot of my time was on my own using my creative mind to get great shots. Nicole works at Target Corporation and Chris just received his MBA! They were planning on leaving the next day for a 2 week trip traveling all throughout Europe! Needless to say, I was jealous 🙂
I don’t like doing cliché shots like this one, but it really turned out very good!
One of my favorites from the day. It’s one of those pictures you don’t realize how good it’s going to look until you set it up and take the picture. Fantastic lighting, fantastic dress, fantastic bride.
This shot was not intentional when I took it. The bride and groom were walking past me from the nicely, sunlight room into a hallway with a couple of light bulbs. But, hey… this is definitely a neat picture. I like to call these type of shots “slop shots” – the you get the pool ball in the pocket by accident. I wonder how many award-winning pictures were “slop shots”? I would be an interesting statistic to know 🙂
I love the use of the wide-angle in this shot. It really defines her hourglass shape!
I discovered during the ceremony Nicole & Chris’s obsession with pie. Very fitting they served that as a dessert vs. a traditional wedding cake (even though they had a small carrot cake).
I really thought it was neat that they had in place of the the traditional slideshow of baby pictures their baby pictures on display instead. It was fitting this picture sat on the grand piano in the room.
I loved this shot from their cocktail hour.
Congrats, Nicole & Chris! Hope you are having fun in Europe!!!
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